American Democracy
We the people
American Democracy

For democracy to work it needs – Informed citizens – Alternate sources of information – Way to validate against other sources – Be able to separate fact from fiction, news from opinion, education from entertainment – How to decide?

       Los Angeles Mayoral Elections 2022

"We have flown the air like birds and swum the sea like fishes, but have yet to learn the simple act of walking the earth like brothers!"

I am an American! 
I am an American! I am not a republican, democrat, right wing, left wing, conservative, liberal, progressive, socialist, neoconservative, atheist, American Indian, Christian, Jewish, Muslim, redneck, hillbilly, white, black, tan, etc. what have you. I am an American! 
If you agree with me I think that’s great. If you do not agree with me I don’t care. 
I am your neighbor. I am the one who stands with you against harm, the one who helps you when you are in need, who laughs when you fall, the one who helps you up. 
Your suffering is my suffering, your joy mine too. I am your friend. I am an American!
"A unified nation is a strong nation."

Yj Draiman 

 The laws of our country must be enforced!

Yj Draiman 

 "I am an American. I believe in God, Family & Country. Don't have much to give, will share what I have. I've been beaten down by politicians, liars & traitors. They have tried to erase my identity & my pride but I am an American. I salute my flag, respect my Constitution & honor my obligations for the right to be free. I bow only to God and I stand in truth. They can never take that away from me

How is a U.S. Presidential Election Decided?

The Presidential election in the United States is an indirect election, which means that the citizens of the country do not actually decide who becomes the President. Instead, they vote for representatives of political parties known as electors who cost votes on their behalf. The entire process is rather byzantine, and it can be confusing for people who are not familiar with the complexities of the Electoral College.

The Electoral College system used in the United States for the Presidential election was established as a compromise when the framers of the Constitution first gathered to establish the new nation. Many people did not want to leave the selection of the President up to the popular vote, and preferred to see the President elected by Congress. Others felt that this would be undemocratic, and argued for a popular vote. The result was a compromise: citizens vote for party electors, who in turn vote for specific candidates.

What is it we all seek for in an election? To answer its real purposes, you must first posses the means of knowing the fitness of your man; and then you must retain some hold upon him by personal obligation or dependence.

Elect Honest Government

We need a new Party = Conservative American Party - Honesty, Integrity, Accountability, Mission to protect and enhance the life of Americans, All laws enforced, Law and order with no compromise.
Elect honest candidates who care about America and address the issues and how to implement them.

Almighty G-d, You have given us this good land for our heritage. We humbly ask You that we may always prove ourselves a people mindful of Your favor and glad to do Your will. Bless our land with honorable endeavor, sound learning and pure manners. Save us from violence, discord, and confusion, from pride and arrogance, and from every evil way. Defend our liberties and fashion into one united people the multitude brought here out of many nations and tongues. Endow with the Spirit of wisdom those to whom in Your Name we entrust authority of government, that there may be justice and peace at home, and that through obedience to Your law we may show forth Your praise among the nations on earth. In time of prosperity fill our hearts with thankfulness, and in the day of trouble do not allow our trust in You to fail. Amen.


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