American Democracy
We the people
Democracy Mission

New Presidential Election Rules in 2016

The rules of the electoral game have a major impact on the way the election are conducted. As we look to the 2016 presidential election, what rules are set in stone - and which ones may change. Will current Electoral College rules be changed to the National Popular Vote plan for president? Will Michigan and Pennsylvania change their winner-take-all voting rules to rules dividing electoral votes? How might the major parties change the nomination schedule and rules affecting caucuses, primaries and their conventions? What will be the impact of changes in voting laws in key swing states?


  • Democracy means the country being lead by the people.

  • The people rule by electing those who make decisions and also vote on issues that the US deals with.

  • The prinicples of Democracy are things that the people think are very important to the democracy.

US citizens have
  • the right and resposibility to have a role in the government and also social communities,

  • to do this you can vote for elections

  • become educated nd aware of what is happening with the gorvenment

  • attending and organizing public meetings

  • paying taxes.

The values of democracy are
  • truth-being honest and having integrigt and sincerity

  • patriotism- having loyalty to the values and priciples of american democracy in documents like the Pledge of Allegiance and Bill of Rights.

  • justice- making things right and following the law and enforcing it.

The 5 principles of democracy are
  • fundamental worth- the belief that every citizen has value and must be treated with dinity and repsect.

  • equality of all persons- all men are equal under law.

  • majority rules minority rights-organizing gorvenment and deciding publis issues

  • necessity of compromise-first recognized by the constitution.

  • individual freedom-no man has the right to violate the individual sovereignty of another man.



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